I voted your question as primarily opinion based because, to me, without a specific context to go by, it seemed like an almost philosophical question. It's like asking "Is there a difference between a person and a human?"
Stack Exchange is not a format that invites debate or long-form discussion. Sometimes it's hard to nail down exactly what is too broad, but we know it when we see it, hence the voting system. Hence, also, why it requires multiple close votes to close a question.
Consider the difference between this, real question, Between Kyokushin and Shotokan, which focuses more on hard sparring and less on kata?, and a fake question of my own invention: "Should I do Shotokan or Kyokushin". Both questions seek to compare and contrast the two arts, but the real question does so in a specific way that is definitively answerable. If my fake question had no further context than "I'm thinking about doing either Shotokan or Kyokushin, which should I do?" it would likely by closed. If, however, the OP of my fake question clarified further, saying "I've got a red belt in Goju Ryu, and I have moved to a location where only Shotokan and Kyokushin are available. Which art is most compatible with my previous training in terms of transferable skills." That's a question we can answer.
I also try to ask myself when asking a question, "When will this question be done? How will I know that I can go ahead and click that accept button?" If I can't answer that, I don't post. Or, I post and let the community help me clarify the question to something answerable.
As to your question of "Where else can you ask for an outside perspective from other informed martial artist?"
If you're looking for long-form discussion, that's what Reddit is for.